Article 2

Success driven: The value of the PerData way is when the rubber meets the road

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No surprises along the way, no wrong turns
Technology is only right when it’s right for you, your people, and your business.
It’s no surprise that we become acutely more aware of technology when it doesn’t work, fails, lags, glitches or misaligns with other operating systems.

Do you think about the technology driving your phone every time you make a call, check an email, pay a bill, or scan traffic conditions?

Of course not, because the tech has become so refined we just expect those apps to work on demand, giving no thought to the tech horsepower that’s allowing us to ‘do life’ through our screen.

At PerData, that’s the customer experience we are targeting with every project we undertake.

The customer journey at PerData follows a finely calibrated process that puts the customer and the needs of their business at the centre of every conversation well before we start writing code, delivering hardware, and connecting plugs and cables.

The people who lead our projects are experts in IT, but they also know business.

They know that people have deadlines and targets to meet, inquiries to answer, teams to motivate, stakeholders to inform and parcels to deliver – among the myriad activities that dominate the priorities of a busy office.

Thinking about the tech shouldn’t be one of those priorities, because the tech should just work and be squarely aligned with the organisation, its strategic goals and imperatives, and the capability of its people.

Getting this all to fit correctly starts with good planning, referred to as Enterprise Architecture.

Done the PerData way, Enterprise Architecture means we want to know more about your destination goals before we design the vehicle to get you there and plan the journey.

And once you’re happy with the design and the trip plans, we’ll put you in the driver’s seat, so you have a clear view of the road ahead and unimpeded control.

No surprises along the way, no wrong turns, delays and dead-ends, and no sudden movements.

PerData recently designed and embedded a new IT program for a major Australian retirement living and aged care provider.

What makes this project so exceptional is that the program is being used by the residents as much as the staff.

As the evidence from this project, which went live in March shows, we would be misguided to think of our older demographic as technically challenged.

When the system is easy to operate, consistently works well and precisely addresses the task, as this program illustrates, even people with relatively low levels of IT literacy will feel comfortable using technology.

Such an outcome doesn’t happen by accident; it takes good planning and process with the customer at the forefront of key decision-making.

If you’ve enjoyed reading this blog and found it helpful, come talk to us about helping you reach your business goals. We welcome you on the journey.