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We partner to make
your technology

Application Development

Application Development for technology that’s ownable.

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Working with Board and C-suite levels to map legacy technology to current and future business process, modelling financial cases for application development opportunity.
Collaboratively architecting the optimum blend of licensed and owned applications to drive business agility and adaptability while avoiding costly maintenance and future upgrades.
Building with industry-leading, cloud infrastructure to ensure scaleable cost structures, in fully documented project processes, with proactive time and budget reports.
Providing proactive training workshops and usable staff resources to drive user adoption, then offering Tier 1 to expert-level support through service desks and quarterly reviews.
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Business Intelligence & Data

Intelligence from data repositories that is exploitable.

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Working with Board and C-suite levels to plan data repositories and systems that preserve established IP while opening new horizons in leveraging data for advantage.
Architecting data warehouses and data lakes that reduce process load times and maximise ease in compliance, while integrating seamlessly with emerging technology.
Generating and tracking full project documentation against cost and time inputs, with proactive accountability on dependencies, sequencing, implementation and adoption.
Supporting a culture of data governance and security, engaging and training whole workforce in best practice data use, ongoing training mapped to audits and assessments.
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Data Governance

Data Governance for technology that’s leverageable.

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Working with Board and C-suite levels to map data systems against governance, management, and literacy requirements, to optimise compliance and adaptive capacity.
Architecting data systems using data lakes technology to create single sources of truth, leverage AI and machine learning, and de-risk data with optimal cohesion and control.
Generating and tracking full project documentation against cost and time inputs, with proactive accountability on dependencies, sequencing, implementation and adoption.
Supporting a culture of data governance and security, engaging and training whole workforce in best practice data use, ongoing training mapped to audits and assessments.
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Enterprise Architecture & Integration

Architecture & System Integration with technology that’s unbreakable.

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Working with Board and C-suite levels to map legacy technology to current and future business process and modelling financial cases for application development opportunity.


Developing single-stack architecture and integration plans that take in strategic goals, outsourcing, dependencies, and then sequencing at macro and granular levels.


Implementing projects within documented workflows and time/resource budgets, preserving optimal security postures, all while proactively reporting to senior levels.

Providing proactive training workshops and usable staff resources to drive user adoption, then offering Tier 1 to expert-level support through service desks and quarterly reviews.
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Managed Service Provision

Managed Service Provision makes vendors controllable.

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Working with Board and C-suite levels to plan managed services for streamlined efficiency, then planning centralised, single point of service provision aligned with future states.
Architecting systems to rationalise service providers for maximum integration, then documenting the tangible efficiency opportunities of Managed Service Provider model.
Undertaking the transition to Managed Service Provider model with proactive responsibility for vendor agreements and systems governance requirements, with scalable expertise.
Deep redundancy in technical for accountability and reporting across SLA areas including licensing, updates, support services and ticketing.
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