Data Governance

Data Governance

Data Governance for technology that’s leverageable.

Govern and secure all data efficiently.


Train and support team data literacy.


Measure and monitor data governance.

Governance Strategy
We work with board and C-suite levels to collaborate and advise on data policy and procedure infrastructure, including data storage, access, use, reporting and protection to meet all regulations.
Data Management
We establish a robust, single source of truth, map the dimensional values of the common dataset, create hierarchies previously undefined in source system, and plan approval process for changes.
Data Literacy Culture
We identify training and support needs, then deliver tools and training to staff that build data literacy and foster a strong culture of data governance, reducing the risks of key person reliance.
Data Stewardship
We address any gaps in data quality flowing from poorly controlled and disparate data use, then implement a system based on definitions, rules, ownership and timeliness of data updates.
Measure and Monitor Data
We design and implement systems to track the performance of data governance frameworks against goals and objectives, using regular audits and assessments, and proactive stakeholder reporting.
Data Security and Compliance
We architect and implement secure data transfer systems, meeting GRDP and SOC2 data standards including anonymisation and encryption, with regular audit, assessment and reporting.

We’ve transformed data governance frameworks of admirable organisations.

Lendlease Carpet Court Allity Australian Health Service Alliance Acciona Keyton Scope