Logic Apps & Azure Functions

Logic Apps & Azure Functions

Make your operations more compatible.
Power BI
Azure Fabric
Microsoft Power Platform
Azure Data Factory
Custom Software
Business made adaptable.

Connect different systems across your IT landscape

Visually create and edit workflows with easy-to-use tools

Connect with your customer and supplier quickly

Make your business securely accessible via multiple channels

Connect and integrate apps, data, services, and systems easily and quickly

Control your workflow structure, manipulate data, or connect to commonly used services with better performance.

Business made expandable.

Support new locations, geographies, and industries with minimal IT effort

Deliver better customer service, while increasing cross-sell and upsell opportunities

Deliver better customer service, while increasing cross-sell and upsell opportunities

Spend less energy on figuring out how to access your resources

Automatically scale services to meet your needs and make integrations faster

Improve agility and sharpen your focus on your core business

Data made tangible.

Access business process automation, insights, security, and scalability on a modern technology platform

View real-time information on almost any device

Monitor and optimise data to economise

Get flexible cloud and on-premises deployment options that comply with industry regulations and use datacentre investments

Work with and improve on the business processes you’re using now

Simplify and accelerate business process changes, seamlessly integrate with legacy systems, simplify global compliance, and scale elastically


Logic Apps and Azure functions easily connects disparate systems, delivering a scalable integration to automate business processes "

Francois Le Roux